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"What's Working Now"

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Welcome to the latest episode of What’s Working Now!

Today, I’ll discuss why you should sell now instead of waiting. Many people want to wait until after the election or after the holidays; others want to wait for the spring market.

Let’s talk about why you might not want to wait.

Most agents tell their clients, “Let’s wait until after the holidays.” I wonder if they say that because they are on vacation and don’t want to be bothered. I am in town during the holidays, and so are many well-qualified buyers that are ready to pounce. These buyers (and other agents that stay in town) call me daily and ask, “Marjorie, what’s on the market right now? What’s coming up?”

There is so much demand right now, but there is no

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Welcome to the latest episode of What’s Working Now!

Today we’re answering a question from Bob, who’s curious about planning ahead when selling your home. Bob asks, “What repairs, improvements, etc. should be made in order to get the best return later?”

In my previous videos, I covered how to update the walls and floors of your home, as well as how to begin the home improvement process. Today, I am going to expand on the two most important rooms that you should focus on upgrading in order to get the highest return on your investment: the kitchen and master bathroom.

First, let’s start with the kitchen. Depending on how large your home is or how many improvements you need, improving the kitchen could mean just changing

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Welcome to the latest episode of What’s Working Now!

Today, we’re answering a question from Bob, who asked, “For those of us who may not be planning to list our home now, what are the things we should do inside and outside of the home in priority order? What repairs, improvements, etc., should be made in order to get the best return later?”

We covered how to begin this process in an earlier video by talking about cleaning off your surfaces. That was step one.

The next step is to look at the surfaces of your actual property, meaning the walls and the floors, and clean them up. Is the paint peeling? Is it colorful enough? Look at your carpeting for stains and rough patches that need to be cleaned.

A house should

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Today I’d like to answer a question from Elizabeth who recently asked about whether it would be possible to buy a new house when she needs to sell her current one to cover the down payment.

Because we’re in such a seller’s market right now, it’s common for people to be afraid of this situation. Though some buyers may be worried about including a contingent contract—one that makes the purchase of the new home contingent upon the sale of their current home—I’ve made contingent offers several times, and most of the time, they have worked out.

The best way to arrange this would be to find a property that has been sitting on the market for at least two weeks because, in our market, two weeks can be a long time for a seller. If you find

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